Hello magical friend,
It’s the weekend yay! Many of you have been asking me if/when I’m doing one-to-one readings again, well the answer is YES! And the time is NOW!
Yay! The Fairy door is OPEN for private oracle card readings! For 7 days only (from 7th until 15th September).
The link to book your reading is here thefaeshop.com

Please note: This is the only place you can book and receive a genuine private reading from me. Please note I will NEVER under any circumstances reach out to you in a private message on social media to offer a reading.
The fairy feedback has been AMAZING on the announcement of my forthcoming book!
Pre-Order my new book!

Card for the weekend and week ahead
Published by Hay House. Featuring the artwork of Ginger Kelly
Deck: Pocket Oracle of the Fairies (Fairy-Sized)

Fairies and humans alike need friends. Now is the time to seek out those who will support and encourage you on your journey to fulfil your dreams.
We all need someone we can trust, to share our private thoughts with. This card tells you to reach out to old or new friends, to gather your friends around you, for there’s power in numbers. Friends can offer advice that can give us hope and another point of view. Fairies, too, gather in groups to support each other and there’s great wisdom and comfort in doing this. Like‐minded and like‐hearted friends are like fairy dust shining in our darkest and lightest hours and are always there for each other, no matter what time of day or night it is. True friends celebrate our successes and our joy for they’re truly happy when we’re happy.
This card is also asking if you are being a good friend – or have you neglected your friendships? Perhaps an old colleague or school friend needs you to reach out. Close your eyes and see who pops into your mind, then get in touch with them – perhaps give them a call or send an email, just to say hi and check they’re doing okay. Friendships can last a lifetime and should be treasured.
It could also be time to make new friends, so join a class to learn a new skill or go for a walk at a popular park or attraction. By getting out and exploring you’re much more likely to meet others with similar interests than if you stay at home. You never know, you could make an #FFF (Fairy Friend Forever)!
Deck featured: Pocket Oracle of the Fairies (Fairy-Sized) by Karen Kay with illustrations by Ginger Kelly
Published by Hay House. Photo is of Violet Skies.
If you are enjoying any of my oracle decks, can you leave me a review on Amazon please, I’d be grateful. Plus it lets others know but the decks too.
Save the Date!

An enchanting two-day Fairy Whispering experience with Karen Kay at The Chalice Well Glastonbury.
During this special workshop Karen will hold the space for you to learn the magical art of fairy whispering and gently connect and manifest with the fairy energies of Avalon. Limited spaces so early booking is advised.
As a participant you will also receive a signed copy of Karen’s NEW BOOK ‘Fairy Whispering – 111 Magical Practices for Connecting with the Fairies’ with illustrations by Bonnie Hawkins. Plus a BONUS gift!
You will also experience a magical and healing Fairy Sound Experience with Hay House, Writer’s Workshop UK Competition Winner 2024, Violet Skies
Yes! There will also be fun and giggles! Plus a generous sprinkling of etheric fairy dust! Just bring yourself and an open heart and mind and join Karen Kay for this very special couple of days in this enchanted location.
Times: 10.30am to 4.30pm (vegan lunch and refreshments included).
Dates: Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th NOVEMBER 2024
With love, light and magical fairy blessings
