Hello magical friend,
How is your new year going so far? Mine’s started in a wonderful way with a feature in the UK’s Daily Mirror newspaper, you can read it HERE.

I’m preparing for a magical year with lots of exciting projects under my fairy belt! I’m excited to share them with you in the coming weeks and months!
I’m going LIVE at 5pm (GMT) on Instagram with the delightfully charming FAIRY BEST LIFE!

My Fairy Whispering E-Book is ON SALE until Sunday! Just £1.64 in the UK

If you prefer to flick through the fairy pages then you can get the paper back HERE

I’m also offering signed copies HERE

Heartfelt gratitude to Fairy Belle Events
Here’s your card for the week ahead, from my Messages from the Mermaids oracle deck Featuring the artwork of Linda Olsen.

Express yourself and allow your spirit to feel free. Be aware of the confines and restrictions placed upon you by yourself and others.
This mermaid says it’s fun to feel free! This doesn’t mean shirking your responsibilities, though. It’s important and possible to find a balance between fulfilling your wild and free spirit while honouring your responsibilities, especially when others are involved or are relying on you.
Being a free spirit might kindle romantic thoughts of a nomadic lifestyle. Although this might not be practical for you, it’s still worth considering ways you can express this desire – for example, by taking a backpacking holiday or similar.
Do you feel free? Your work or home life might bring feelings of restriction. If this is true, take a look at how you can change things. Talking with loved ones about how you’re feeling can be helpful. You could find they offer to help with the chores and your domestic responsibilities, freeing up some time for you to do the things that make your heart and soul sing.
Honour your free spirit for this is who you really are. The material confines of modern society can make our spirit feel stifled. We’re pushed through the education system from a young age, then we’re expected choose a career path and work a nine‐to‐five job. But there’s no one‐size‐fits‐all path. Often, we’re not encouraged to express our artistic side, which can make us feel even more trapped by the confines of society.
Now is the time to allow your spirit the freedom it needs. When you’re in a harmonious relationship with your inner spiritual needs, everything will naturally fall into place in a harmonious way for the highest good of all.
Have you read my Fairy Whispering book?
If yes, and you loved it! Please leave a positive review on Amazon or wherever you purchased the book from, as this really helps me, plus it helps others who are searching for a magical fairy book. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leaver a review, I’m so grateful.

Get your copy in most places where books are sold including online. I’m also selling signed copies of FAIRY WHISPERING on THE FAE SHOP with a free fairy key (while stocks last). Get your signed gift copy HERE! Just £13.99 + shipping.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
With love, light and magical fairy blessings
