Hello magical friend,
I am fresh back from a virtual fairy tea party with the magical Sabrina of Fairy Best Life, we had such a fun chat, and, as always, I talked about my events and Fairy Whispering book, plus I shared a few never-heard-before fairy secrets! She is my Fae-kin for sure and we went so deep in our chat! You can listen to the REPLAY HERE if you wish!

Have you tried any of the magical practices from my Fairy Whispering book? I’ve been receiving messages from some of you who have been experimenting, and the results look amazing! I’ve shared a couple on my Instagram page @karenkayfairy
See the beautiful video of the Bubble Wishing Spell by Addiena Taldair on my YouTube Channel, or on Instagram.

Here’s your card for the week ahead, from my Pocket Oracle of the Fairies oracle deck Featuring the artwork of Ginger Kelly.

Magical Blessings
Whatever you’re going through, you’re being assisted by magical fairy blessings. The fairies say you can bless others too.
To receive fairy blessings is an honour, and right now the fairies are bestowing their blessings upon you and your current situation. Fairy blessings are magical and can also be healing. Only you will know what form these blessings take.
You can ask the fairies for their blessings at any time; perhaps you have a job interview coming up, or a challenging situation at home. To do this, close your eyes and speak from your heart, explaining why you feel their blessings would be beneficial. Then wait. Patience is a virtue when hoping for a message or sign from the fairies, and remember they will only bestow blessings if it is their will.
It’s important to acknowledge the fairies’ blessings and give thanks. An easy way to do this is to leave some raw food, such as fruit or nuts, in your garden or outside your door (wildlife can enjoy any leftovers, or these can simply biodegrade). You can also leave seeds out for the birds or pick up some litter – caring for the environment is a way that we humans can return blessings to the fairies.
The fairies are also reminding you that you can bestow blessings on others. Showing our loved ones that we care is a form of blessing, especially to those who live alone or are feeling lonely. A visit, a smile or a hug can make the world of difference. Just a kind and loving thought can also be a blessing.
This card is also a reminder to count your blessings and to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Have you read Fairy Whispering, 111 Magical Practices for Connecting with the Fairies?
If yes, and you loved it! Please leave a positive review on Amazon or wherever you purchased the book from, as this really helps me, plus it helps others who are searching for a magical fairy book. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leaver a review, I’m so grateful.

Get your copy in most places where books are sold including online. I’m also selling signed copies of FAIRY WHISPERING on THE FAE SHOP with a free fairy key (while stocks last). Get your signed gift copy HERE! Just £13.99 + shipping.
With love, light and magical fairy blessings
