Easter blessings beautiful friends!
As some of you may know, I have many strings to my fairy bow! I’m the founder and editor in chief of FAE Magazine, a full colour, printed glossy magazine. And after several set-backs over the past few years, I’m super excited to say the NEW Spring edition is released Yay! I will also have some more exciting news about my magazine in the coming weeks.
If you’d like to see a copy for yoursELF! Then you can get one posted anywhere in the world from NEWSSTAND

I’m so excited to be invited to present at the online Water Priestess Confluence hosted by @laureleiblack and @annwynavalon 🧜🏻♀️🐚💙 I will be sharing: Ocean Embrace: A Mermaid-Guided Healing Experience. I’m presenting on SATURDAY 6th APRIL

To participate swim over to Waterpriestess.com and sign up to reserve your space for this virtual online watery gathering 💙
You can join from anywhere in the world! Plus if you want to get in the mood, check out my Messages from the Mermaids Oracle deck here to receive a signed copy.
Card for the Week
Here’s your card of the week, from my Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck Featuring the artwork of Jane Delaford-Taylor.

Find happiness in the simplest things. Notice how light you feel when you’re joyful – full of joy!
This fairy king is overflowing with joy, and he wishes the same for you. He says that nothing in particular needs to happen for you to feel joy, as it’s more a state of mind and heart. It’s like counting your blessings no matter what’s going on in your life; if you can find the blessings, you’ll find the joy. Babies and young children are naturally happy and joyful, and we can learn a lesson or two from them.
Perhaps you’re feeling a lack of joy currently. This is normal because as humans we experience a plethora of feelings and emotions and there’s no right or wrong. It’s just nicer to feel joy! So, think of the situations and circumstances that give you, or once gave you, joy, and see if you can recreate them in your imagination. This will trigger a muscle memory and activate the happy hormones in your brain, restoring joy as a natural state of being.
Can you recall how it feels to be around a joyous person? Their happiness has a wonderful habit of pouring out and spreading to everyone in their vicinity! Be that person! Share your love, light, and joy! When this card and the ‘Laughter’ card appear together in a spread, it indicates a super‐fun time ahead! Open your heart and mind and prepare yourself for an entertaining ride!
Manifest more joy in your life by doing things that make you feel happy and contented. You could make it your mission to feel joy at least once daily, then if you can, spread it out throughout the day and night! Treat it as a game in which you’re always the joyful winner!
I feel joy when I count the blessings in my life. It’s easy for me to feel full of joy. My joy makes others feel joyful too!
Join me and some special fairy friends for this weekend workshop retreat in Avalon. Each participant will receive a SIGNED COPY of my LATEST RELEASE! Ssshhhh!!!! That’s all I’m saying for now!!!

Due to exciting fairy work commitments, I am not taking any more bookings for private readings for the next few months. It’s ok though, as I’m still posting free oracle readings on my social media pages.

Manifesting with the Fairies by Karen Kay with art by Jane Delaford Taylor. Published by Hay House.
With love, light and magical fairy blessings
