Hello beautiful friends!
How are you finding the pre-eclipse energies? It certainly feels like a powerful and transformational time from where I’m standing! So I feel your card of the week will offer some calm and peace as you navigate your way through these times.
Scroll down for your Card for the Week and more fairy news…
I’m so excited to be attending and presenting THREE free sessions at the amazing MIND BODY SPIRIT FESTIVAL in London, Olympia on 25th-26th May. GET TICKETS to the EVENT HERE!
MAIN STAGE – From Dreams to Reality: A Fairy-Guided Manifestation Experience.
SATURDAY 25th MAY at 16:00 – 16:30 FREE
Step into the enchanting world of fairies and allow your heartfelt dreams and wishes to take flight in this experience. This session will include guided meditation, mini oracle card insights, easy-to-apply manifestation techniques, and Q&A. You’ll embark on a magical journey to manifest your deepest desires and learn the skills that will enable you to turn your dreams into reality.

Wellbeing Studio – Ocean Embrace: A Mermaid-Guided Healing Experience
SUNDAY 26th MAY at 12:15 – 13:00 FREE
In this transformative experience, you will embark on an enchanting journey of self-discovery through the guidance of the mermaids, guardians of the ocean realm. Experience a guided meditation that invites you to connect with the depths of your emotions, gaining a new perspective on healing and growth. Discover new ways of navigating your emotions, and learn to embrace them as a source of inner healing.
Ceremony Space- Fairy Oracle Ceremony: Through the Fairy Door – SUNDAY 26th MAY at 13:15 – 14:00 FREE
Explore the magical world of fairies with bestselling Hay House author, Karen Kay. Step gently through the fairy door as Karen holds a sacred space to connect and manifest with the enchanting energy of the fairies. Journey with Karen through oracle cards and a beautiful guided meditation.
Karen Kay. Photo by @danniellajaine
I’m so excited to be invited to present at the online Water Priestess Confluence hosted by @laureleiblack and @annwynavalon 🧜🏻♀️🐚💙 I will be sharing: Ocean Embrace: A Mermaid-Guided Healing Experience. I’m presenting on SATURDAY 6th APRIL

To participate swim over to Waterpriestess.com and sign up to reserve your space for this virtual online watery gathering 💙
You can join from anywhere in the world! Plus if you want to get in the mood, check out my Messages from the Mermaids Oracle deck here to receive a signed copy.
Card for the Week
Here’s your card of the week, from my Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck Featuring the artwork of Jane Delaford-Taylor.

Find peace externally by focusing on achieving internal peace first. Meditation is a pathway to this peace within.
As he sits cross‐legged in meditation, this fairy king has found deep spiritual peace. He wants you to discover this state within yourself too and says that by spending just a few minutes each day in quiet contemplation, you’ll soon feel calm and tranquil. This energy will then expand throughout your everyday thoughts and actions. Make meditation a daily habit and see how much more relaxed and content you feel, and how serene and drama‐free your life becomes.
The peace lily that the fairy king is holding reminds him that peace is present inside and outside. In our day‐to‐day life things happen that disturb us, but believe it or not, we can choose how we react to external events. Sometimes we may feel that we don’t have the capability to remain calm, especially during stressful situations. However, if you try to do so one step at a time, one day at a time, you could be pleasantly surprised by how swiftly peace enters your life as a result. Peace is just a thought away, and we can underestimate the power of our mind to influence our internal narrative.
When the ‘Calmness’ card appears next to this card, you can expect a period of heightened contentment in your life. While it’s present, energetically bathe in its beautiful peace and tranquility, knowing that like the tide, things can turn up to rock our metaphorical boat! That said, once we’ve discovered the peace within, it enables us to deal with worldly concerns in a calmer way.
Manifest an aura of peace by doing things that make you feel peaceful (full of peace). Deep breathing and meditation are just two ways to manifest peace within.
I feel peace in every situation. When I am at peace, I can act swiftly and do the right thing.
Join me and some special fairy friends for this weekend workshop retreat in Avalon. Each participant will receive a SIGNED COPY of my LATEST RELEASE! Ssshhhh!!!! That’s all I’m saying for now!!!

Due to exciting fairy work commitments, I am not taking any more bookings for private readings for the next few months. It’s ok though, as I’m still posting free oracle readings on my social media pages.

Manifesting with the Fairies by Karen Kay with art by Jane Delaford Taylor. Published by Hay House.
With love, light and magical fairy blessings
