Hi! I hope your new year has started well and you are excited about the magical possibilities for the future! I have lots of exciting things coming up including a FREE online summit on 21st January.
Join me for this FREE transformative summit hosted by the amazing Tracey Gazel
Did you know that I also connect with angels as well as fairies, mermaids and all elementals?
You’ll also receive a free Fairy Door meditation download when you SIGN UP to listen to me and lots of other inspirational speakers.
Many fairy and angel lovers are highly sensitive people who feel the world so profoundly.
Have you wondered why you cry suddenly for no apparent reason? Why you get exhausted at parties or large groups? Or why people call you ‘too sensitive’.
Would you rather stay home in your pyjamas and not talk to anyone instead of going out in the world? (Unless it’s a fairy festival or event of course!) Part of the reason I set up the UK fairy events was so I could celebrate and “party” with like-minded and like-hearted others – a place where I would feel safe amongst my own clan.
Even though it can be challenging, these qualities are your gifts and your sensitivity is your superpower! I have found my fairy power for sure!
In my talk I share some tips during my talk about how to follow your dreams whilst working with the fairy realm.
So, join me and 20 top energy healers for…
A free online summit where you’ll learn how to own your gifts and steps into your purpose as a powerful healer.
January 21, 2020
You’ll walk away with everything you need to…
See your sensitivity as a gift
Connect with your guides and angels or fairies
Step into your purpose as a healer
Protect yourself from unwanted energy and set healthy boundaries
Manage your own energy and enjoy your work/play!
And so much more!
Click HERE to get to know Tracey and sign up for this free event!
MEET ME IN 2020!
February 2020: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th 2020. You’ll find me in Dorset for The Lighthouse Holistic Festival where I will be sharing two workshops including my DEBUT Mermaid workshop! Plus Connecting and Manifesting with the Fairies!
One-to-one Fairy Reading with Karen Kay – Author, Oracle of the Fairies
For the FIRST TIME EVER! Karen Kay has opened up her fairy diary to offer Skype or Telephone Fairy Oracle Card Readings during the month of December NOW extended throughout January 2020! Book your one-to-one session with Karen HERE