Hello magical friend,
Wow, what a magical time it’s been! The countdown begins as we get closer to the publication day for my first fairy book, Fairy Whispering, 111 Magical Practices for Connecting with the Fairies – officially released on 5th November yay!

If you preorder my new book (or an extra copy if you’ve already pre-ordered) from today (25th October) until 31st October, I will personally pull a card for you from my soon-to-be-released Pocket Oracle of the Fairies ~ Fairy-Sized deck and email it to you PLUS you will also receive a free ticket to the livestream Virtual Fairy Ring on Zoom (on 12th November). A replay will also be available if you are unable to join live.
Magical Unboxing!

Did you see my unboxing of my book on my Instagram and Facebook accounts? It was a very happy and emotional moment for me, seeing my book and holding it in my hands for the fist time. It’s such a special feeling. You can also watch here on YOUTUBE

During my Glastonbury faerie weekend I chatted about fairies with the TV crew from Weird Britain for SKY TV’s @historyuk @beastlytheories – It will be aired in 2025. I will let you know when it’s due to be screened.
All in all, I had the best time away with the faeries in magical Glastonbury! I’ll share more in the next newsletter!
Join me in Glastonbury – Save the Date!

An enchanting two-day Fairy Whispering IN-PERSON experience with Karen Kay at The Chalice Well Glastonbury.
During this special workshop Karen will hold the space for you to learn the magical art of fairy whispering and gently connect and manifest with the fairy energies of Avalon. We will also have a private visit to the White Spring on the Sunday.
As a participant you will also receive a signed copy of Karen’s NEW BOOK ‘Fairy Whispering – 111 Magical Practices for Connecting with the Fairies’ with illustrations by Bonnie Hawkins. Plus a BONUS gift!
You will also experience a magical and healing Fairy Sound Experience with Hay House, Writer’s Workshop UK Competition Winner 2024, Violet Skies

Yes! There will also be fun and giggles! Plus a generous sprinkling of etheric fairy dust! Just bring yourself and an open heart and mind and join Karen Kay for this very special couple of days in this enchanted location.
Times: 10.30am to 4.30pm (vegan lunch and refreshments included).
Dates: Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th NOVEMBER 2024

Your card for the day and week ahead is MANIFESTATION from my forthcoming Pocket Oracle of the Fairies (Fairy Sized deck). Published in November, just after my Fairy Whispering book! This deck is illustrated by Ginger Kelly.
Your card for whenever you’re seeing this is Manifestation: Be very honest and clear about what you wish to manifest in your life. Now write it down on paper: manifestation, step one!
One of the simplest manifestation techniques is to write down what you want to manifest, whether it’s an idea, a wish or a dream. Be honest with yourself and very clear about what it is you wish to happen. Once it exists on the paper, it exists in the physical world. Can it really be that simple? In a word, yes! Another great way to do this is to say: ‘I wish to
manifest [your idea/wish/dream], or something better, in my life.’
Next, think of practical steps that you can take to start the process of bringing your idea into the world, always remembering that your plan must respect the free will of others. Intention is key here, for it’s our intent that directs the flow of energy in our life, like a magnet. Stay fully focused and allow the Fairy of Manifestation to guide you during this magical exercise. Try to do one thing every day towards manifesting your idea, wish or dream, and trust in the process.
Be sure to keep a lookout for any fairy signs that may appear along the way, and follow their advice. This way you’re allowing the divine universal intelligence to help you manifest in the best way for achieving the highest good of all.
With love, light and magical fairy blessings
