Karen Kay
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Hidden Depths, your oracle card for the week ahead

How are you faring?

The energies have certainly been interesting if not somewhat challenging at times. It’s no surprise as we navigate several astrological energies and the eclipse doorway. The effects of which can be tangible.

So I’m skipping directly to your card of the week, this time from my first fairy baby, Oracle of the Fairies, which has a special place in my heart. This deck is still an internationally bestselling oracle deck since its release in 2019. I am very grateful and feel very blessed, so thank you to everyone who has purchased this and my other oracle decks, and thanks also if you have taken the time to leave me a review on amazon.com and amazon.co.uk, this really means a lot. did I mention it makes a perfect gift too? I’m selling signed copies over at www.thefaeshop.com along with my other decks.

Card for the Week

Here’s your card of the week, from my Oracle of the Fairies 

Featuring the artwork of Ginger Kelly


Hidden Depths

Hidden Depths Something hidden is about to come to light – perhaps a secret or memory at the back of your mind. When we expose what’s hidden, we can become free.

Sometimes it’s easier to be in denial than to face a challenge, so we act as though something never happened and pretend everything is fine. However, releasing the things that have been hidden from view can be very liberating and help us to move forward with our lives.

The Fairy of Water comes to hold your hand gently and guide you during this releasing experience. One of the reasons things stay hidden is that they can contain painful memories. This is totally understandable, and if there’s been a major trauma in your life it’s important to seek professional help. Remember you don’t have to do this alone; all you need to do is take the first brave step towards wanting to be free from your past. Once you’ve done this, there are people who can help you to walk gently through the experience and teach you how to release it with love. Then you’ll be able to move forward feeling lighter and happier and ready to embrace the rest of your life positively.

The fact that this card has appeared now means you may be ready to face what has been hidden, but only do this if and when you feel the time is right. Another meaning of this card may be that someone you know is keeping a secret from you. Secrets are fine, but not when they hurt another being. It’s time to be honest with yourself and ask that others do the same for you, but be gentle with everyone concerned – including yourself – during this process.

Join me in person at the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival at Olympia, London this May yay!

Book You tickets Here!

Weekend Fairy Retreat with Karen Kay

Glastonbury 9-10 November 2024

Join me and some special fairy friends for this weekend workshop retreat in Avalon. Each participant will receive a SIGNED COPY of my LATEST RELEASE! Ssshhhh!!!! That’s all I’m saying for now!!!


Manifesting with the Fairies

 Manifesting with the Fairies by Karen Kay with art by Jane Delaford Taylor. Published by Hay House.

With love, light and magical fairy blessings

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