Hello! I’m very excited to announce the launch of my newest creation – Manifesting with the Faeries, a guided meditation CD. Available to pre-order now, and it will arrive in time for Christmas/Yuletide.
On the CD I share some techniques on how to manifest with the faeries of love and light during this peaceful and relaxing guided visualisation and meditation. I also include a simple but effective psychic protection, and grounding method. You can hear a couple of sound clips HERE. Or see the YouTube promo video.

“Faeries are magical beings, and magic is an everyday occurrence in fairyland! When you connect with your fairy guide anything is possible, for the highest good of all.”
Featuring the magical music of Michael Tingle of Moon and Sky Mobile Recording Studio, Michael has created this beautiful music to accompany my spoken voice. He also produced the CD for me, thank you Michael!
The stunning fairy art on the CD cover is by the late fairy artist David Delamare, with thanks to Wendy Ice for granting me permission to feature this enchanting artwork.
More gift ideas
You’ll find plenty more magical gift ideas on The FAE Shop, including the following:

I’m more than happy to personally sign any CD’s if required – Just drop an email requesting this to info@thefaeshop.com
You can find me on the following social media pages – Come and say hi!

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