Hello magical friend,
I’m flying by to send you so much love, light, joy, and magical fairy blessings as we enter this festive period and start to focus our thoughts on what 2025 may bring.
Whatever you are doing, and whoever you are with, or not with, remember it’s just a couple of days, in the grand scheme of things. So if you are struggling and/or finding things challenging, please practice self-care and prepare for a magical 2025. Your fairies, angels, ancestors and spirit guides are always with you.
If you are spending time with family, friends and/or large groups, also practice self-care! Practice your pixie-patience too!
I will be enjoying a plant-based Christmas Day meal, and will be counting my blessings (and future blessings) and giving thanks for a wonderful year.
This period is also the perfect time to start journaling and/or creating a vision board, I write about this in my Fairy Whispering book. Vision boards are powerful visual affirmations of what we wish to invoke into our lives, plus they’re fun to create too!
If you feel like you need a little extra guidance, I do have a few slots left for oracle readings and spiritual guidance HERE.
Fairy Message: CELEBRATION
Your card for the day and week ahead is CELEBRATION from my newly released Pocket Oracle of the Fairies (Fairy Sized deck). This deck is illustrated by Ginger Kelly and is published by Hay House.
Get ready to let your hair down and celebrate! It’s time to go out to dance and play – an invitation could be on the way.
An invitation to a special occasion could be on the way! So, it’s time to put on your dancing shoes – or be ready to kick off your shoes and dance barefoot in nature.
Have you been working too hard recently? Perhaps you’ve just forgotten what it’s like to have fun. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in work and in the more mechanical and mundane activities of daily life, which means we often forget to prioritize essential fun-time. This card reminds you that it’s time to celebrate, whether you go out or stay in – perhaps you could invite some good friends round and host your own fairy-themed party, or even a fairy ball! Even when
times are challenging, there’s always something to celebrate. You don’t need an official reason – just being alive is a more than worthy cause for a celebration. Dance, rejoice and celebrate life in all its magical glory. Remember to celebrate the ‘small’ wins, too.
Do you have a birthday soon? Or is there a special anniversary coming up that may have slipped your mind? Always make sure you keep a diary to mark down special occasions so you never have to miss a thing, and have your party clothes ready just in case you receive an unexpected invitation – it’s good to be spontaneous, as that’s where there’s always an extra sprinkling of fairy dust and magic.
Fairies are excellent at celebrating. They find fun even in the little things and need no excuse for a party. The energy of celebration is around you right now.
Have you read my Fairy Whispering book?
If yes, and you loved it! Please leave a positive review on Amazon or wherever you purchased the book from, as this really helps me, plus it helps others who are searching for a magical fairy book.
Get your copy in most places where books are sold including online. I’m also selling signed copies of FAIRY WHISPERING on THE FAE SHOP with a free fairy key (while stocks last). Get your signed gift copy HERE! Just £13.99 + shipping.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.
With love, light and magical fairy blessings