Karen Kay
Website 26 Jul 2024 Sign up Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter
My how time flies! Just like the fairies!

Hello magical friend,

I trust you are wonderful : I realise it’s been a while since I last wrote – I’ve been flying around preparing for my 3 Wishes Fairy Festival next month! Plus, I’ve been working on some exciting new offerings! More about this in the coming weeks!

I was invited to do an interview in the Green Parent Magazine about my festival, so do click on the link if you’d like to see it.



If you’d like to come along to the festival, it takes place from 16th to 18th August at Garslade Farm, Godney, near Glastonbury. there are day, weekend or three-day tickets available HERE

You can find out more about my festival on the official website www.fairyfestival.co.uk 


Card for the Weekend

Published by Hay House. Featuring the artwork of Ginger Kelly


Deck: Oracle of the Fairies

Find Balance

Find the balance between your work, rest and playtime and you will have more energy, harmony and productivity in your life. Take a power nap.

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ You’ve probably heard this before. Does it apply to you or someone you know? Are you working too hard and not allowing enough time for rest and play? Are you feeling bored – or are you in danger of becoming boring? Be truthful with yourself when answering.

Even though fairies are known to be super‐hard workers, they also know how to rest and play. The fairies are flying in now to remind you to take a break and give your body and mind a well‐deserved rest. The problem with work is that once you’ve completed one task there’s always another waiting – a bit like housework! But even though it may feel as though you need to rush to get everything done, taking some time out can actually give you more energy to complete the task at hand.

Fairies love to snooze, and they’re telling you that 40 winks in the afternoon (also known as a power nap) could be beneficial for you. The strong message here is to get some rest!

This card could also be saying that you’re playing too much. Perhaps you’re procrastinating when you ought to be working. You need to be really honest with yourself about this, as only you will know if you have the right balance of work, rest and play in your life.

If you are enjoying the cards, and you could leave me a review on Amazon I’d be grateful.

Weekend Workshop at Chalice Well with Karen Kay

Glastonbury 9-10 November 2024

Join me and some special fairy friends for this weekend workshop non-residential retreat in Avalon. Each participant will receive a SIGNED COPY of my LATEST RELEASE! Ssshhhh!!!! That’s all I’m saying for now!!!


With love, light and magical fairy blessings

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