“I’m so blessed and honoured to be a part of this album! During these worldwide challenging times, this album will bring a deep sense of beauty and peace to your home over the coming months. I’m singing on six songs! Memorare, Angel of God, Domine Lesu, Glory Be, Hail Mary and Queen of Heaven. You can pre-order now and listen to two of the tracks for free now on Bandcamp!” ~ Karen Kay
You can pre-order the new album here: mediaevalbaebes.bandcamp.com/album/prayers-of-the-rosary
The album features twelve iconic Catholic prayers, set to vocal plainsong, against a meditative backdrop of local field recordings from sacred locations, archaic and exotic instrumentation and spectral vocal textures; the ultimate winter chill-out album.
Buy yours now and also listen to a sneak preview of two tracks from the album HERE
With Bandcamp waiving their fees for the next 24 hours, right now is a great time to support Mediaeval Baebes.