Karen Kay
Website 29 Dec 2024 Sign up Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter
New Year Fairy Message and Manifestation

Hello magical friend,

As we stand on the threshold of 2025, and we prepare to say fare-thee-well to 2024, let’s take a moment to count our blessings, and to think of at least three things that brought our hearts joy this year…


I have so many things that I am grateful for this year, here are just three of them!


  1. Finding out my Fairy Whispering Book was in Selfridges London! AND signing in store!
  2. Appearing on ITV’s This Morning (yes again!), this time in a secret forest!
  3. Releasing my FIRST book! It really was a dream-come-true!

I’ve created a short and very sweet highlights video (reel) that I will be sharing on my social media pages on 31st December, so do look out for that, and let me know some of your highlights.

Next, think of three things you’d like to manifest in 2025, the first three things are perfect, try not to overthink it.


Fairy Message: LUCK

Here’s your card for the energy of January, from my Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck Featuring the artwork of Jane Delaford-Taylor.

Be receptive to welcoming good fortune into your life. You also have the ability to create your own luck.

The gift of infinite luck and good fortune are bestowed on you by this fairy queen. She brings you all the symbols of luck to amplify your powers of attraction, so you’ll literally become a magnet for luck! She says that we create our own luck too – yes, it’s true that some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but we all have the capability to create good fortune for ourselves. Our view of good fortune is as limited (or unlimited) as our imagination! How freeing does that make you feel!? So, spread your wings, soar high, and receive all the love and luck the human and fairy worlds have to offer!

Perhaps you feel that you’re on an unlucky streak. If so, simply call upon the Fairy Queen of Luck to remove any obstacles that stand in the way of you

receiving your full quota of good fortune! It’s worth keeping in mind that ‘where attention goes, energy flows,’ so make a point of noticing the blessings in your life.

When the ‘Prosperity’ card appears next to this card, prepare for a windfall or a lucky streak for the highest good of all – this is luck in the form of financial abundance. See what comes up for you when you ask yourself, ‘Do I feel worthy?’ Your response will show you any areas of your life that need work.


Manifest luck by placing symbols and tokens of good fortune around you, on your fairy altar perhaps. Meditate and ‘know’ that good luck is yours, then be open to receive it. You could also keep a ‘lucky’ journal, in which you keep track of the good things that happen to you.


I am lucky, I was born lucky, I create my own luck, and I am a magnet for luck.

I have a few slots available for NEW YEAR oracle readings and spiritual guidance DETAILS HERE.

Have you read my Fairy Whispering book?

If yes, and you loved it! Please leave a positive review on Amazon or wherever you purchased the book from, as this really helps me, plus it helps others who are searching for a magical fairy book.

Get your copy in most places where books are sold including online. I’m also selling signed copies of FAIRY WHISPERING on THE FAE SHOP with a free fairy key (while stocks last). Get your signed gift copy HERE! Just £13.99 + shipping.


Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

With love, light and magical fairy blessings

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