Karen Kay
Website 30 Jan 2024 Sign up Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter
Signed Oracle Decks and Card of the Week


Oh my gosh! It’s end of January already and we’re in the aura of Imbolc! I’ve been fully focussed on some very exciting projects, that this month has been and gone in a fairy-flash! If you pre-ordered my deck, I will be sharing details of the free manifesting with the fairies masterclass, taking place online – a little later than planned, but with very good reason! I will also be doing the prize draw for original art from the deck painted by Jane Delaford Taylor. thanks for your pixie patience!


You’ll find me in person at the Glastonbury Fairy Weekend at Glastonbury Town Hall on 2nd and 3rd March, where I’ll be signing my oracle decks and presenting a workshop. Join my faery events newsletter at www.faeryevents.com for updates.


I’m now offering SIGNED copies of my Manifesting with the Fairies oracle decks! Each deck will come with a magical mini gift bag!

Thank you, once again if you purchased or was gifted my new Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck. Please fly over to amazon.com or amazon.co.uk and leave a review, I’d be very grateful ……. You don’t have to have bought the deck from Amazon to leave a review. I really do appreciate you taking the time to do this, as it not only helps myself and my publishers, but also more importantly, those who are searching for a new oracle deck.

Due to exciting fairy work commitments, I am not taking any more bookings for private readings for the next few months. It’s ok though as I’m still posting free oracle readings on my social media pages.

Here’s your card of the week, from my Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck Featuring the artwork of Jane Delaford-Taylor.

Card of the week:


Magic and Miracles

Allow yourself to acknowledge the very real possibility of magical miracles.

An abundance of magic and miracles is what this fairy couple wish for you. They ask that you notice the small miracles in your life and see how extraordinary they really are. Observe the patterns at work and play as the divine weaves magical happenings all around you. Feel worthy of receiving these marvelous blessings.

Through combining their beliefs, the Fairy King and Queen of Magic and Miracles have manifested a beautiful fairy‐tale castle home. A golden path winds toward the castle, and it’s paved with good intentions. They remind you that ‘you’ll see it when you believe it!’ (My thanks to the wonderful late Dr. Wayne Dyer for those magical words.)

Not everything needs to be explained away. A flower is a mini‐miracle and it’s also so magical, yet a scientist might analyze that flower and try to explain why it is what it is, without considering that it manifested from a tiny seed. Now that’s real magic and a true miracle!

This card is also saying that you may be caught up in a loop of mundanity and have forgotten that magic and miracles can and do happen. So, give your mind and your living space a spring clean and allow love and light to shine on you so you can see that life is truly magical. Sometimes we forget that we are magic, so the appearance of this card is a reminder to be open to the enchantment and wonder of life. The meaning of any card that appears next to this one is amplified.


Manifest magic and miracles by opening your heart and mind to the possibility of their existence, and then simply and wholeheartedly BELIEVE!


Magic and miracles occur often in my life. I plan for big and small miracles – I am a magnet for them!

Manifesting with the Fairies

 Manifesting with the Fairies by Karen Kay with art by Jane Delaford Taylor. Published by Hay House.

With love, light and magical fairy blessings

Thank you for being a part of my magical community, and if you’re not already a member, feel free to join my free Fairy Ring private Facebook Group 

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