Karen Kay
Website 15 Nov 2019 Sign up Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter
Skype Fairy Readings! Plus Global Spiritual Awakening Conference!

Hi lovely fairy soul,

I’m flying in to let you know that for the FIRST TIME EVER! I have opened up my fairy diary to offer Skype or Telephone Fairy Oracle Card Readings during the month of December. Please note that only a limited amount of sessions are available and are offered on a first-come first-served basis. You can also give a Skype or telephone reading with me as a gift. More info HERE

I’ve been invited to be a special guest in

The Global Spiritual Awakening Conference online!

It’s an online gathering that starts on 16th November and runs until 17th November – A magical 24-hour virtual gathering!


I share my fairy journey, from how it all started in my grandmother’s garden, plus I do some card readings and a fairy drum guided meditation where you’ll meet and manifest with a fairy queen! I hope you can join me.

Check out the amazing participants on the banner below! Includes wisdom from many spiritual teachers and music from musicians such as Deva Primal & Miten.

 Join Karen Kay, author of Oracle of the Fairies on 16th & 17th November 2019 at
The Global Spiritual Awakening Conference online!

Oracle of the Fairies

You can now order ORACLE OF THE FAIRIES directly from me online at www.thefaeshop.com plus, have the guidebook signed by me (if you wish!)

Have a beautiful weekend, with love and magical fairy blessings,

Karen Kay

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