Fairy Message: Inspiration
From my Pocket Oracle of the Fairies deck Featuring the artwork of Ginger Kelly.

The fairy of inspiration is flying by today – Are you feeling inspired?
Fairy Message: INSPIRATION
Be prepared, as you’ll soon receive a visit from the Fairy of Inspiration. Come dusk or dawn, she can call at any time.
The Fairy of Inspiration is full of ideas and will gladly share them with you. All you need to do is be receptive to her whisperings. She may plant the most fantastical ideas in your head, but remember you always have a choice, so if an idea doesn’t resonate for you, then simply let it go; it may be meant for someone else. When an idea does
resonate, however, go with the fairy‐flow and trust where it may lead. Sit back and enjoy the fairy‐ride of fun and creativity as you transform inspirational ideas into reality.
Perhaps it’s time to plant your own seeds – your own ideas. Take a tip from this card’s helpful fairy and plant your seeds of inspiration in fertile soil, allowing them to grow using positivity combined with practical action.
Call on this friendly fairy whenever you feel you’re lacking inspiration. To connect with her, go outside and just ‘be’ in nature; or, if you’re unable to get out, meditate on a photo of nature in a magazine or online. Allow your senses to perceive the beauty all around, and set your intention to allow the inspiration to flow.
The Fairy of Inspiration is the sister of the Fairy of Manifestation, so if this card appears in a spread with the ‘Manifestation’ card then magic and miracles will be close behind. The Fairy of Inspiration will also encourage you to inspire those around you.
Pocket Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay. Published by @hayhouseuk @hayhouseinc with illustrations by @artbygingerkelly