Karen Kay
Website 21 Nov 2023 Sign up Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter
Wow what a magical time at the NEC, What’s coming up? + Card of the day/week

Hi precious soul  – I’ve landed after a  wonderful weekend at the NEC Birmingham MBS Wellbeing Festival. Thank you to everyone who came along, it was the most magical time! All my decks sold out at the oracle signings and both of my presentations were totally FULL! I’ve uploaded a couple of “shorts” to my YouTube channel if you’d like to get a fairy-flavour of what went on! See Saturday’s short video HERE

Check out Sunday’s short video HERE! I feel so very blessed to share in the wonderful way and look forward to seeing some of you again in 2024 at the MBS events in London and Birmingham.

What’s Next?

I’m currently preparing to fly to Glastonbury for my Manifesting with the Fairies Experience Day at the Chalice Well Meeting Room.

Avalon is calling! Join myself and special guest Violet Skies with her magical Crystal Chalice Bowls THIS SATURDAY 25th November, for a “Manifesting with the Fairies Experience” in Glastonbury at the Chalice Well meeting room (plus we’ll explore the gardens and local area, weather permitting).
This will be a fairy-sized mini magical heart-felt gathering in the heart of Avalon. ALL Attendees will receive a signed pre-release edition of my shiny new oracle deck! I just know you’re going to love it!
Lunch and refreshments included- Just bring and open heart and mind, and a wish in your heart – email info@karenkay.co.uk for more for details and/fly over to www.karenkay.co.uk or BOOK DIRECTLY HERE.
P.S if you’re not able to make it in person and would still like to receive my new oracle deck – you can preorder for some magical bonuses! All the info, including BONUS pre-order goodies is all on my website xxx
All photos taken by the magical Danniella Jaine


Here’s your card of the week, from my soon-to-be-released Manifesting with the Fairies featuring the artwork of Jane Delaford-Taylor. Published by Hay House on December 5th. Scroll to the bottom of this Email to find out how you can receive a pre-release copy! 

Card of the day/week:


Be kind to yourself by practicing self-care. Sometimes, taking charge of your well-being looks like simply saying no.

PRE-ORDER Manifesting with the Fairies HERE! Released officially on December 5th!

NEW! For December ONLY!

The Fairy Doors are opening again for private oracle readings via Zoom, Skype, Telephone or Email

Makes a perfect Festive/Solstice Gift too!


PRE-ORDER Manifesting with the Fairies

Published on 5th December 2023

When you PRE-ORDER Manifesting with the Fairies, you can receive some magical exclusive BONUSES! 

 Manifesting with the Fairies by Karen Kay with art by Jane Delaford Taylor. Published by Hay House.

With love, light and magical fairy blessings

Thank you for being a part of my magical community, and if you’re not already a member, feel free to join my free Fairy Ring private Facebook Group 

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