Hi! Happy Autumn Equinox if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere,and happy Spring Equinox if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere.
Here’s your card of the week from my forthcoming magical oracle deck! Manifesting with the Fairies, featuring the artwork of Jane Delaford Taylor. this photo was taken at West Wycombe Park, one of the locations where Labyrinth the Movie was filmed. It felt appropriate to share this card as it also reminded me of the Labyrinth Masquerade ball.
Card of the day/week: Authenticity
Chianna Fae and I at the Masquerade Ball.
A FREE online event
I’m so excited and honoured to be a presenter in the online Autumn/Fall Modern Day Priestess Masterclass Series with magical host Desiree Dunbar and twenty Sacred Feminine Speakers. Join for FREE HERE and celebrate the magic of Autumn in this magical free online gathering ~ I hope you will join us
Published on 5th December 2023
When you PRE-ORDER Manifesting with the Fairies, you can receive some magical BONUSES!
Message from Manifesting with the Fairies by Karen Kay with art by Jane Delaford Taylor. Published by Hay House.
Each participant will receive a pre-release signed copy of my NEW Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck!
With love, light and magical fairy blessings
Thank you for being a part of my magical community, and if you’re not already a member, feel free to join my free Fairy Ring private Facebook Group