Easter blessings beautiful friends! As some of you may know, I have many strings to my fairy bow! I’m the founder and editor in chief of FAE Magazine, a full colour, printed glossy magazine. And after several set-backs over the past few years, I’m super …
Fairy Card for the Week + Mind, Body Spirit Festival LONDON!
Hello beautiful friends! How are you finding the pre-eclipse energies? It certainly feels like a powerful and transformational time from where I’m standing! So I feel your card of the week will offer some calm and peace as you navigate your way through these times. …
Froudian Memories, Card for the Week ahead, plus event news.
Hello beautiful friends! Wow!! What an incredible few weeks!my Froudian Faerie Weeknd went wonderfully well! I’m still processing all the magic that happened during the weekend. I will share a few photos below to give you a fairy flavour of the weekend. My workshop went …
Oracle Card for the Week Ahead + Count-down to the Fairy Weekend
Hello beautiful friends! it’s been a busy few weeks for me as I just came back from doing some singing for an exciting project with the Mediaeval Baebes as a guest singer! I’m very excited to share with you when it’s time to reveal! I’m …
My first in-person event of 2024! Plus card for the weekend!
Hello beautiful friends! It’s just over two weeks away from my first in-person event at the Glastonbury Fairy Weekend! Yay! I’m excited to be leading a magical meditation with the one and only Brian Froud, who will be introducing the meditation – the first of …
Signed Oracle Decks and Card of the Week
Oh my gosh! It’s end of January already and we’re in the aura of Imbolc! I’ve been fully focussed on some very exciting projects, that this month has been and gone in a fairy-flash! If you pre-ordered my deck, I will be sharing details …
Oracle Card of the Week
Happy 2024!! Wow wow wow! this year is already off to a flying start! I think the fairies have forgotten about hibernating this winter! Thank you, once again if you purchased or was gifted my new Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck. Please fly over …
Card of the week and fairy stocking fillers! + Christmas Day Charity Event
Thank you, thank you, thank you! to everyone who purchased my new Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck. Please fly over to amazon.com or amazon.co.uk and leave a review, I’d be very grateful ……. You don’t have to have bought the deck from Amazon to …
Yay! My new deck is officially released! What do you think?
Woo hoo! I’m so excited for my new Manifesting with the Fairies oracle deck to be officially released around the fairy world! Please fly over to amazon.com or amazon.co.uk and leave a review, it not only helps the publishers and myself, but more importantly, others …
December will be magic again! Oracle card pull and December events online
Hi beautiful friend, I’m sooo excited for December! Everything feels so festive and sparkly, plus there’s been a sprinkling of snow in the Westcountry here in the UK! I hope you’re all cosy and warm and feeling the magic of the season… I’ve listed my …