Glitter in the News!
A friend brought my attention this news story about a nursery banning glitter yesterday, and I felt I needed to share my thoughts on this, and the environmental alternatives! Fairies need their Fairy dust after all!
Nursery bans glitter for Christmas crafts over environmental concerns!
I fully understand that there are concerns for the environment, in our “throwaway” society, many think nothing of the vast amounts of litter created from unnecessary packaging, and plastic bags etc.

Over the past few months there have been numerous stories about glitter, and how bad it is for the environment. I agree we need to be sourcing eco glitter, there’s no excuse not to really. However, in the grand scheme of things there are other environmental concerns that also need to be looked at, like the constant pollution of the oceans with toxic household chemicals people use on a daily basis.
Excessive plastic packaging on food products is another cause for concern, and plastic bags, but this has finally been addressed by supermarkets etc. So tiny steps are being taken, there’s still a long way to go though.
My gripe with the story in The Independent is that it’s a bit sensationalist, nothing to be surprised about there, they need to shift newspapers. but, come on! Why did they not talk to people who produce eco glitter? Offer some alternatives, if they REALLY cared about the environment they would have.
I have compiled a list below of eco glitter companies – they are springing up everywhere, so let’s get on that eco glitter bandwagon and start spreading the word – the world NEEDS glitter!
Sparkle with Care #sparklewithcare
Samantha of Fulfilled Wishes told me “I Just want to raise the profile of eco alternatives before they get lost in the tidal wave of ‘all glitter is bad’. I don’t want the faerie/mermaid world to be seen as eco-unfriendly!”
Eco-Glitter #GlitterWithoutTheLitter

So, what can we do about the glitter issue? We can source eco glitters, there are several companies producing it, and it does not cost the earth!
I am sharing a few of the eco glitter companies here, so that no one should be without a bit of sparkle this Christmas and New Year!
100% Biodegradable Premium Grade Cosmetic Glitter made from Eucalyptus Trees for eco-conscious sparkly people.
Eco Glitter from
EcoSparkles Biodegradable Glitter
Glitterlution Biodegradable Glitter
Glitterlution – Mission: To make the world a more glittery place without adding to marine pollution.
Glitterbug biodegradable glitter
Biodegradable, Compostable (certified home and industrial), Non Toxic, Cosmetic grade, Vegan, Cruelty free, Hypoallergenic, Oil-free, Organic, Paraben-free, Perfume-free, Suitable for anaerobic digestion,
Marine and waste water biodegradable, Renewable sourced raw materials …..glitter!
If you know anymore companies selling eco-glitter please let us know in the comments below – keep sparkling!