Betwixt and Between

The bit between Christmas and the new year always feels a bit betwixt and between! So I thought I’d share a few fun facts about me over the next few days, that you may or may not already know…

I found one of my punk postcards for sale on Ebay Canada!

I was the punk postcard girl with orange spikey hair! The photo session was with my friend Danny Fury, and the photographer was David Burder from the Royal Photographic Society. We visited many popular tourist locations in London.

The postcards are still being sold today and I’ve been told they are also sold in Europe!

I also featured on the cover of the Royal Photographic magazine THE PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL. the edition was published on 1st January 1986 and is available to view on the archive page.

I’m also honoured to be a part of post punk-goth history, in a Postpunk Project book called ‘Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace‘ The full, Worldwide History of Postpunk and the Birth of Goth: 1980 – 1990.

This part of my life holds some very precious memories for me. I’ve always enjoyed fashion and expressing my creativity through my clothing, hair and make-up etc – It’s all a part of the fun and diversity of this magical gift of life…

I feel so very blessed to have these photos reminding me of where I have come from to create the person I am now.

To see more photographs from my punk days please visit my official Facebook fan page here.

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