As the letters flow from my pen onto the page, words form that sometimes take me by surprise!
Writing gives me so much joy and I’m so grateful that I am able to write as a part of my job, as a magazine publisher, magazine columnist, and author.
Almost all of us were brought up on fairytales, so it makes perfect sense to me, that I have continued to incorporate fairies and fairytales into my daily life and work as an adult! It has, and continues to be a magical and healing journey.
I love the fairytale photography of Kirsty Mitchell, especially this one, ‘The Storyteller’, from the Wonderland series. Photograph © Kirsty Mitchell kirstymitchellphotography.com

I love this beautiful idea by Tami Williamson (House of Winter), and these amazing paper wings which were literally created from the pages of old books! What a wonderful way to recycle the pages into a thing of beauty, as modelled by Jennelle Gee. Photography is copyright Tami Williamson of House of Winter.
As long as people continue to read, there will be writers, so many genres, so many stories untold, ready to manifest into the written word, at the perfect time…