Hi! I’m soooo excited!! I’ve just received an advance copy of my shiny new magical oracle deck! Manifesting with the Fairies, featuring the real artwork of Jane Delaford Taylor, and I’m totally in love! Here’s a little peek that I shared on my social media …
Exciting news!
This year seems to be flying by, just like the fairies! How did we get to August already!! I have so many things up my gossamer fairy sleeves, so thought I’d share a few (yes just a few) of them with you today! I hope …
The Fairy Door is Open for Oracle Readings – August 2023 ONLY!
NEWSFLASH! I’m chatting LIVE on Instagram TODAY with the magical JAMINA at 3pm BST (apologies for the short notice) You should be able to watch on catch-up if you are unable to join LIVE. JOIN HERE: https://instagram.com/jaminaann THE FAIRY DOOR IS OPEN YAY!! The Fairy …
Free Beltaine Prosperity summit online
Hi!! I’m so excited for some amazing upcoming gatherings online and in person! I’ve shared a few below including my MBS London Manifesting with the Fairies workshop on Monday 29th May at 11am at the Olympia Exhibition Centre! PLUS I will be giving some FREE …
Connecting to the Fairies of Avalon NEXT WEEK!
Connecting to the Fairies of Avalon An enchanting two-day experience in the heart of Glastonbury with Karen Kay (UK) & Trish McKinnley (USA) at The Chalice Well Gardens, Meeting Rooms, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th July 2023 ~ A magical midweek gathering You can …
Happy World Water Day! + Water Priestess Confluence online
Happy World Water Day! What will you do to honour and celebrate this precious resource? I went to my local beach and pulled a card form my Messages from the Mermaids oracle deck. See the full video here The Water Priestess Confluence (online) is THIS …
Flower Fairies Meditation on Saturday!
LATEST NEWS! THIS WEEKEND A FREE Flower Fairies Meditation at Glastonbury Town Hall at 4pm on Saturday 4th March For more information about the Flower Fairies Weekend CLICK HERE! Just turn up! no need to book, it’s being held upstairs in the Council Chambers at …
Your Divine Uniqueness – Free event Wednesday 25th Jan!
JOIN ME ON WEDNESDAY 25th January at 7pm GMT Exciting news! You’ve got something amazing and divine to share which is utterly unique to you. It’s like treasure which sings and shines and dances inside you, even when you have no idea how to find it …
What a magical start to 2023!
Happy new year!! Wow what a magical start to 2023! I don’t know about you but I often find I lay awake at night and can’t get t sleep, especially around a full moon, or if there’s something playing on my mind. I have searched …
TONIGHT!!! My Cornwall with Fern Britton on Channel 5
My Cornwall with Fern Britton Yay! There’s a release date for the series with Fern Britton! I filmed an episode with her! So exciting!! What a wonderful way to start 2023 My Cornwall with Fern Britton starts on Wednesday 4th January at 8pm on Channel 5 …